Tuesday 3 February 2009

Battered but beautiful

The latest issue of Living etc to reach Australia (unless you count a very expensive express delivered February issue) features the home of delightfully quirky Melbourne retailer and interior designer, Lyn Gardener. She does lovely rooms of old rather battered furniture and faded textiles ... very restful, and very pretty without giving you a toothache.

I always enjoy reading stories about Lyn which pop up occasionally in Australian magazines. And I can recommend a good fossick around her lovely shop in Albert Park; I've bought some old and new letters there. Well worth a visit, and especially nice if Lyn's there too.

I particularly like the old flower paintings on the wall is this photo. I have the start of a similar collection myself, although I've not got very far - I think my collection stands at about two, one of which was painted by my aunt in honour of my eldest son's birth. I never seem to have the time for much of an op-shop hunt for specific things like soft flowery paintings, so I've decided that I will collect then when they come to me. Sort of building a collection by opportunistic stumbling ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seriously, I'd go nuts shopping if I moved to Melbourne. Good thing I don't - I could go into serious debt. I really want to visit this shop (there must be about ten on my list and counting)